Implementation of the principle of equality through the prism of sectoral law



  • Lyudmila Spector Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship (branch) of DSTU in Shakhty, Shakhty city, Russia
  • Aleksander Malyutin Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship (branch) of DSTU in Shakhty, Shakhty city, Russia


constitutional principle, law, taking performance, of criminal punishments, the equality of citizens


The equality of citizens before the law and the courts is the basis of any state governed by the rule of law and ensures the protection of every person from discrimination on various grounds. Author analyzes sectoral legislation, comparing understanding of equality. On the basis of the conducted research, the author formulated conclusions. The principles - as the fundamental principles, being the foundation of any branch of law, are of great theoretical interest, and the study of their essence within the framework of criminal law is of significant practical importance, since the principles are subject to mandatory application, both in lawmaking and law enforcement. Moreover, the principles of criminal law are the basis for defining its objectives and goals. Ideally, the criminal law policy of the state as a whole, as well as all individual changes made to the criminal law, should be based on the principles proclaimed by it. Unlike most of the norms of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, which have undergone numerous changes, the principles of criminal law are stable. Since the adoption of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, they have never been corrected, which allows us to speak of a clear certainty and stability of the basic concept of criminal law, despite its variability in matters of criminality and the punishability of certain acts and other institutions.


